A Program of HealthRIGHT 360

HealthRIGHT 360’s Advanced Practice Provider (APP) Residency is a two-year training program for recently graduated Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners who are passionate about providing primary care services to medically underserved communities. The purpose of the program is to adequately equip new APPs to provide high-quality, trauma-informed, and evidence-based primary care in a compassionate, culturally competent way to individuals who are racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse. Through the residency, we hope to improve access to quality medical care for the underserved, while simultaneously building a sustainable workforce that is appropriately trained to care for this complex patient population.
With a new academic partnership with the University of California Davis, HealthRIGHT 360’s program offers residents a diversity of learning opportunities including didactics, skills learning, mentorship, preceptorship, and specialty rotations. During the first month of the program, residents will participate in an intensive boot camp to shore up clinical basics and receive site-specific orientations such as EMR training, practice management, team-based care, quality improvement, and shadowing of different departments. Following the HealthRIGHT360 bootcamp, residents will participate in a week-long didactic education experience at UC Davis in Sacramento again focusing on skill refinement and didactic presentations.
After orientation, residents will start seeing patients in the primary care, underserved clinic (FQHC) setting in San Francisco and San Mateo. Residents will start with a small patient panel and slowly build their practice throughout the course of the two-year training program. They will receive formal precepting from MDs, DOs, NPs, and PAs in Primary Care, as well as specialty care services. Each resident will receive 1:1 weekly mentoring and quarterly evaluations. Residents will participate in weekly didactics as a cohort through UC Davis and HealthRIGHT 360. Every quarter, residents will also travel to UC Davis for 3-day, in-person skills training. Example trainings include Nexplanon insertion and removal, joint injections, incision and drainage, and EKG mastery.
Nearing the end of the first year, residents will have the opportunity to participate in specialty rotations. Specialty rotations will include those that support care for our safety net population, including but not limited to addiction medicine, psychiatry, mobile health, Street Medicine, podiatry, HIV care, hepatitis C management, gender affirming care, wound care, and women’s health. Second year residents will continue building their own primary care practice, with the possibility to choose a focus track of specialty care. They will continue to receive mentorship and focused training. During the second year, residents will also participate in a year-long quality improvement project, attend leadership training, and will mentor first year students.
Of note, HealthRIGHT 360 is a leader in addiction medicine in the Bay Area and offers many services to patients along the continuum of addiction including outpatient services, medically assisted treatment, detox, residential treatment, and harm reduction services. During the training program, residents will have the opportunity to rotate in these areas and obtain a deeper understanding of addiction within an integrated healthcare center. HealthRIGHT 360 also recently added a Mobile Health and Street Medicine program. Residents will have the opportunity to rotate on the mobile medical van and participate in backpack medicine in the city of San Francisco. There may be the opportunity to choose Street Medicine as an area of specialty focus for the second year. These residents will receive Street Medicine – specific training and mentoring from experts in the Street Medicine field and opportunities to rotate at other Street Medicine programs throughout the state.
Cohorts of residents will consist of a minimum of two members. Incentives will be offered for relocation and retention.
Integrated Care Center
1563 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
San Mateo Clinic
117 N San Mateo Drive
San Mateo, CA
Days & Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday 8:30 AM – 5 PM
How to access services
Please send us a message using this link.