Updated Statement on COVID-19: Resources Needed

HealthRIGHT 360 is on the frontlines of the healthcare system’s critical response to COVID-19. Our goal is to protect staff, and to continue to deliver services to our most vulnerable community members. We stand committed to serving the people who have nowhere else to turn right now, and to keeping people out of emergency rooms unless absolutely necessary, but we need resources in order to do this.We have an urgent need for the following: 

Funds for:

  • Overtime costs for staff so that we can keep our doors open, in particular to manage the impact of school and adult day care closures
  • Unanticipated costs associated with increased sanitation and janitorial procedures
  • Lost pledged revenue for upcoming cancelled fundraising events

In-Kind donations:

  • Personal protective equipment including gowns, masks, and eye protection
  • Infrared no-touch thermometers
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Toiletries

To donate please visit: www.healthright360.org/donate or contact Shabana Siegel at ssiegel@healthright360.org

Thank you!

 Posted on March 18, 2020. HealthRIGHT 360 will provide updates on this website as they emerge.

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