Women & Children

Pomona Outpatient Behavioral Health Treatment Center

Prototypes’ Outpatient Behavioral Health Centers provide comprehensive substance use disorder treatment and mental health services for women, men and children. Prototypes offers a variety of services with the goal of creating healthier families and communities. We offer extensive prevention and education programming for children that includes strategies designed to foster a healthy alcohol- and drug-free lifestyle. […]

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Pasadena Outpatient Behavioral Health Treatment Center

Prototypes’ Outpatient Behavioral Health Centers provide comprehensive mental health and substance use services for people aged birth through older adulthood. Prototypes’ Outpatient Behavioral Health Centers provide comprehensive mental health and substance use services for people aged birth through older adulthood. Adult services range from prevention and early intervention to intensive services for those with more

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Female Offender Treatment and Employment Program (FOTEP)

The Female Offender Treatment and Employment Program provides residential treatment and re-entry programming for female parolees. FOTEP programs provide a gender-responsive and trauma-informed environment, using evidence-based and best practices that recognize and account for the role that trauma frequently plays in the addictive and criminal histories of female offenders. This specialized treatment approach works with

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Essence of MANA

An Outreach and Prevention Program targeting Samoan and Tongans in North San Mateo County Mana is a Pacific Islander concept that represents a connection to and spirit of a higher power (e.g., gods, ancestors, the universe). This concept is used to promote a holistic view of wellness (body, mind, and soul) among the Pacific Islander

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Residential Treatment at Oxnard Women’s Center

At Prototypes residential locations, women and mothers receive comprehensive treatment for drug and alcohol addiction and co-occurring mental illness while participating in parenting, educational and life skills courses. Prototypes’ residential treatment programs are designed to help women remain successful in their recovery from drug and/or alcohol addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders through a comprehensive

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