Misdemeanor Incompetent to Stand Trial (MIST)


A Program of HealthRIGHT 360

The MIST Program serves clients diagnosed with severe mental health issues facing misdemeanor charges but found to be incompetent to stand trial. We are based in two residential settings and staffed with licensed and associate-level clinicians, a psychiatrist, Case Managers, and nurses employing a Harm Reduction, Housing First model. The philosophy behind MIST attempts to decriminalize people living with SMI and help them find their way back into society. Guided by a “housing first” principal, MIST programs recognize permanent housing as a right for all.

MIST collaborates with different community partners to help our clients achieve psychiatric stability, link them to continued services, and upon successful program completion, move them directly into permanent supportive housing. By the time MIST clients reach our program, many have spent years moving through different channels with little or no progress. The guiding principles of MIST Diversion give participants a renewed sense of possibility, since we attempt everything possible to keep clients in our program and termination is always very last resort.


(213) 216-1788

Mailing Address: 149 22nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007

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