Representative Payee Services


A Program of Walden House

Money management assistance to ensure that food, clothing, shelter and daily living needs are met

In March 1995, Walden House began providing Representative Payee services to individuals who receive financial benefits from Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or the Social Security Administration (SSA). The program provides qualifying individuals with money management assistance to ensure that their food, clothing, shelter and daily living needs are met. Additional services include helping to prevent or end financial exploitation; benefits advocacy with the Social Security Administration; managing overpayments; re-determining benefits; and other matters involving participant fiscal needs.

In 2004, the program became partially funded by SF Department of Public Health in order to provide targeted case management to Representative Payee participants who have substance use disorders and/or mental health issues. The program serves three objectives: financial management conducted according to SSA rules and regulations; connecting participants with needed community services; and transitioning mentally ill homeless adults into permanent housing.


+1 (415) 762-1497

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